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Chai assertions and helpers for Firebase and Fireproof.


You need to be able to generate Fireproof references.


Object assertions

First load the plugin like any other Chai plugin: gulp.task(‘test:setup’, ‘Set up tests.’, [‘build’], function() {

var Firebase = require(‘firebase’), chai = require(‘chai’);

require(‘./dist/chai-fireproof’); global.chai = chai; global.expect = chai.expect;

if (!process.env.FIREBASE_TEST_URL   !process.env.FIREBASE_TEST_SECRET) {
gutil.log('Please set FIREBASE_TEST_URL and FIREBASE_TEST_SECRET.');


global.root = new Fireproof(new Firebase(process.env.FIREBASE_TEST_URL)); global.authToken = process.env.FIREBASE_TEST_SECRET;



Now you can create assertions on Fireproof objects like anything else. Note that these return promises that you’ll have to pass back to your test framework or handle yourself.

An example with Mocha:

describe('My Firebase', function() {
  var root = new Fireproof(new Firebase(''));

  it('should have some data in there already', function() {
    return expect(root.child('robots')).to.exist;

  it('should have some users in there', function() {

    return expect(root.child('citizens')).to.deep.equal({
      fred: {
        name: 'Freder Frederson',
        hometown: 'Metropolis',
        assignment: 'Utopia'
      maria: {
        name: 'Maria',
        hometown: 'Metropolis',
        assignment: 'Underworld'


  it('should have the water level in there', function() {
    return expect(root.child('waterLevel'));


Security testing

chai-fireproof includes test assertions for validating that security rules work the way they’re supposed to. Note that these assertions return promises that you’ll have to pass back to your test framework or handle yourself.

Security testing has the following additional requirements:

  • is unsupported, as Firebase doesn’t check rules there.
  • Call chai.setFirebaseAuthToken() with an auth token before you make any assertions.

There are four new flags and one new method on assertions:

  • can
  • cannot
  • read
  • write
  • ref()

So you can write assertions that match the following syntax:

return expect({ uid: 'metropolis:maria' })'users/maria'));
return expect({ uid: 'metropolis:robotmaria'})'users/maria'));

The expectation object (that’s to say, the thing wrapped in the assertion) is a Javascript object with authentication credentials. For write tests, you can supply an object to attempt to write to the ref (for testing validation rules et al.):

return expect({ uid: 'metropolis:robotmaria'}).cannot.write(true)

The following rules apply:

  • If the expectation object is null, the assertion assumes you mean an unauthenticated user.
  • Every user object except null must supply a value for uid.
  • To make a token an admin token, set admin: true. Note that this definitionally will cause any test to pass.


There’s API documentation here.


In order to capture annoying Firebase console messages, this library monkeypatches console.log(), console.warn(), and console.error(). Your mileage may vary, void where prohibited by law.